The E-Reader Lowdown Showdown

Are you tempted by e-readers? Then get thee to Wired’s Gadget Lab for a great article on the current crop of e-readers and their respective pros and cons. While the article is focused on Samsung’s latest, the Papyrus, author Priya Ganapati lists all the readers, with quick descriptions of what is “wired” and what is “tired” about them. Prices range dramatically from $260 to over $1,000 (and possibly beyond for my personal fav, the not-yet-priced Plastic Logic reader). Some of have touch screens and some do not. Some support cards and some do not. Some can get the goods wirelessly and some cannot. Hit the jump for a handy crash course on the options and start plotting, planning and saving your pennies today.


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Interactive State Law Maps Now On-Line

In keeping with the motor vehicle risk management perspective shared by all insurers, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety or IIHS has now made available interactive maps of all fifty states’ laws concerning motorcycle and bicycle helmets and automated enforcement (red lights and speeding cameras, etc.). Helmet laws can be found here and automated enforcement laws can be found here.

Even if you are not immediately called upon to use these maps for a client, you may want to consult them before your next road trip. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Hat tip to the Resource Shelf.

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