Give Your Facebook Biz Page Some Panache

By now, most people have heard about or have actually customized their Twitter page and / or created a Twitter landing page for people clicking on the link shown on their Twitter page. But did you know that you could customize your Facebook Business page too? Facebook pages, by default, look rather, well, blandly uniform. Not anymore! With the addition of a special FB application that allows you to manipulate FBML (Facebook Markup Language), you can create a page worthy of Coca Cola or Disney or Lady GaGa.

The application that powers this process is called “Static FBML” (link here).  What it does is create a blank canvas that can be filled with your own graphics and links. You will need to go into the settings for the application and make a few selections as to how the information is presented (box or tab), hit the edit to add your content via a standard text entry box, modify the title of the box or tab, and start entering the content. You can make it the default landing spot by editing your page settings.

I make it sound simple, but there is a little bit of effort to it. Hey, as any woman will tell you, it’s hard work being beautiful! Seriously, though, for a more thorough explanation for how it works, head over to the Mashable! article where I found the goods (link here) or Tamar Weinberg’s article on FBML (link here).

Hat tip to Mashable!

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